Donate to Good Samaritan Haven

We rely on the generosity of our community

Your support provides shelter, meals, clothing, housing and employment assistance, case management and referral services, job training—just about everything a person needs to get back on their feet, find a fresh start, and have hope for the future.

Ways to Give

Make a Monthly Gift

Becoming a sustaining donor is easy! And, you can rest assured that you are helping your unsheltered neighbors all year long. When filling out your donation information, just click the Donation Schedule drop box and select “monthly.”

If you are already making a recurring donation–thank you! If you wish to make a change, please contact Good Samaritan Haven at [email protected] or (802) 479-2294.

Mail a Check

We love mail! Send a check to Good Samaritan Haven, PO Box 1104, Barre, VT 05641

Donate Stocks

Donating stock is one of the easiest ways to make a gift. By donating the stock directly to a charity, you potentially eliminate capital gains tax. Talk to a trusted financial advisor and share our information to facilitate a transfer.

Information to donate your stock to Good Sam:

Receiving Financial Institution: Northfield Savings Bank
Receiving Account Registration: Good Samaritan Haven
Receiving Account Number: NFL-602671
DTC Number: 0443
Account Contact: Terry Schroeder
Tax ID#: 22-2573788

Please help us process your gift more efficiently by letting us know that you are initiating a transfer. Thank you!

Large Gifts & Bequests

If you would like to learn about how a large gift or a bequest can make a difference, please contact Good Samaritan Haven Executive Director, Julie Bond, at (802) 479-2294.

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